This was for my major project in the final year of my university degree, Shade looks at the effects mass media has on people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, and posing the question, if these media tools help us to understand people from different ethnic backgrounds and cultures better or do they act as a format to polarise us further away from each other, and aid in the promotion of stereotypes, hate and discrimination?.
 I explored this through the use of Videography, Photography and Design, in collaboration with a good friend of mine I explored his life growing up as an ethnic minority in Belfast and the effects that had in regards to shaping him as a person.
Through my project work I also created a Tiny Planet video using a 360 camera with commentary from Sam, the video was just like the photographs and focused around important areas in Belfast for him in developing who he is as a person. The video was created in this way to help reflect to the viewer what it's like living and growing up in that persons own "World".

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